RE Intent Statement

At Parc Eglos, we strive to instil an enquiring, respectful and open mind in all of our children, whilst exploring questions arising from the study of religion and belief.  Our vision for RE is for children to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and our behaviour, develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We aim to provide our learners with a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other principal religious traditions and beliefs represented within Cornwall, Britain and the wider world. We give our children the freedom to explore their own behaviour, practices and outlook within their own religion or belief system, and those of others. We enable learners to apply the insights of the principal religious traditions to their own search for identify and significance. Through our school ethos and our work on virtues, our children are encouraged to develop a positive attitude towards other people who hold beliefs different from their own. This in turn, supports each individual to confidently participate in the wider school community and that in which they live.

Please click here for the RE Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement (Curriculum Statement)

Please click here for the RE Map

Parc Eglos Religious Education Key Concepts

At Parc Eglos we have introduced the following five key concepts for RE: Commitment and Tradition, Worship, Community, Conceptual Perspective and Exploration. These key concepts focus on five important aspects of RE that we feel it is essential for all children to understand in order to become respectful and understanding members of the community. Our key concepts are progressive, starting in EYFS and continuing through to Year 6. By using these key concepts to structure our approach to the teaching of Religious Education our aim is that, by the time children leave Parc Eglos, they are (in the words of our intent statement) ‘learners with a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other principal religious traditions and beliefs represented within Cornwall, Britain and the wider world’.

What will my child experience through the teaching of Religious Education at Parc Eglos School?

RE is delivered through weekly timetabled lessons and the children also have experiences to supplement this in our programme of assemblies and collective worship. Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of the principal religions represented in the UK through the use of current resources (Cornwall SACRE and Understanding Christianity), educational visits, handling artefacts and workshops led by specialists in different faiths. In accordance with the requirements of the agreed syllabus, pupils explore the beliefs, values and traditions of Christians in each key stage, as well as Jews and Muslims in Key Stage 1 and at least one from Hindus, Muslims and Jews in each year of Key Stage 2. Pupils may also encounter other religious and non-religious worldviews (such as Humanism) through thematic unit, where appropriate. As party of our RE curriculum, pupils develop and apply their knowledge and understanding of the religious, spiritual and cultural character of Cornwall through Curriculum Kernewek. In Early Years, children encounter Christianity and other religious and non-religious worldviews as part of their growing sense of self, their won community and their place within it.

What RE skills and knowledge will my child learn at Parc Eglos?

Our RE curriculum is based on a key question approach whereby ‘big questions’ open up the content to be studied.  Our curriculum is designed in systematic units (where pupils study one religion at a time) and thematic units (where pupils build on their learning by comparing the religions, beliefs and practices studied).  Three core elements (making sense of beliefs, understanding the impact and making connections) are woven together throughout each unit to provide breadth and balance.

The teaching of each religion is divided into core concepts. Christianity is divided into eight core concepts which make up the ‘big story’ of The Christian Bible (God, Creation, Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation, Kingdom of God). The core concepts fit into a spiral curriculum, whereby concepts are revisited and explored in more depth as pupils move through the school.  Thus, pupils encounter core concepts in a coherent way, developing their understanding and their ability to handle questions of religion and belief.

Withdrawal from Religious Education

Parents and carers have the legal right to withdraw their children from RE and collective worship on religious grounds.  Should you wish to discuss this further, please speak to your child’s class teacher or inform Mrs Banner in writing.

Useful Websites and Links

Explore the websites below to find out more about Religious Education and activities to do with your child at home.

Please note: these are external websites which the school has no control over.

BBC Bitesize RE KS1:

BBC Bitesize RE KS2:





Overview of RE syllabus

Please click for our Parc Eglos RE Policy

Policy for Religious Education