Our School

Our school caters for children in the age range two to eleven years, consisting of a Nursery setting for two to four-year olds in two classes (which is privately funded), a Foundation Stage setting (two Reception classes) and twelve single age classes. Current number on role is approximately 450 children. The size of the school affords many advantages, as we are able to offer a wide range of learning opportunities and have a number of specialist teachers in our employment. However, there still remains a sense of family within the school community.

The school is organised in three phases;

Phase 1 consists of The Nursery, two Foundation Stage classes and two Year 1 classes

Phase 2 consists of two Year 2 and two Year 3 classes.

Phase 3 consists of two classes in each year group from Year 4 to Year 6.

Conscious efforts are made by all adults involved with the school to support learning through the visual environment, the nurturing of achievement in all areas of life and the development of positive, quality relationships.

We aim to teach a broad and balanced creative curriculum whilst keeping the acquisition of skills in literacy and numeracy as a high priority. A enquiry-based approach to teaching and learning is employed throughout all age groups. We are focussed on a creative learning approach, with play-based learning now developing throughout Phase 1. Well planned play, both indoors and outdoors, is key to the way in which young children learn with enjoyment and challenge through all the areas of personal, social and educational development. Curriculum planning and design is focused on developing knowledge and skills that are well sequenced and developed incrementally. ‘Marigold units’ are identified to establish patterns of information between different subjects and help link elements of children’s learning.

Parc Eglos is more than a place of discovery and friendship, we strive for high standards of behaviour and academic achievement in all children. We encourage initiative and equip our children with a confidence to enable them to feel positive about themselves.

We have a strong team ethos, whereby teachers in each year group will plan together and will sometimes team-teach or mix the classes to encourage co-operation and social skills. The school’s behaviour policy encourages positive and restorative approaches, with a structured reward system throughout the school. Equally, there is a structure for dealing with unacceptable behaviour, with sanctions imposed upon children who display challenging behaviour.   Individual Needs is a particular strength of the school and children are well supported.

Our Expectations 
In order for Parc Eglos to reach its potential and maintain its position, it will rely on the hard work of all its staff and children. In order to be a highly successful school, all staff need to work well together in the best interests of the children. We aim to provide an atmosphere in which each individual can make their contribution to the staff team and where the views of everyone are respected. The management team work together to lead the school in the best interests of staff and children and, where possible, will seek to consult staff before decisions are made. In return, staff endeavour to carry out school policies thoroughly and consistently, and to support other members of staff in their day-to-day work. Performance management processes within the school will seek to support all staff in achieving their potential and provide supportive professional development opportunities, monitoring their performance, setting targets for themselves and for their children. In this way, we hope to ensure that all staff not only feel valued but also have clear opportunities for development and career progression. We are very proud of our staff’s professionalism and commitment to excellence.