

Maths’ Intent Statement

Mathematics at Parc Eglos encompasses all of the elements needed to become proficient mathematicians.  As well as providing tools to tackle everyday problems and questions, it also supports children’s ability to embrace real world maths with confidence and curiosity.  Maths weeks provide opportunities for our children to make better sense of the world around them by engaging in ‘real’ maths, including Cornish maths week where we celebrate the rich mathematical learning opportunities that Cornwall has to offer.   We recognise that mathematics is more than just the units of study in the National Curriculum and is, in fact, threaded through every experience and opportunity in life beyond school.

When teaching mathematics at Parc Eglos, we intend to provide a curriculum which caters to the needs of all individuals and sets them up with the necessary skills and knowledge for them to become successful and aspirational with regard to their future adventures and careers.  We incorporate sustained levels of challenge through varied and high-quality mastery activities, with a focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Pupils are required to explore maths in depth, being taught to use mathematical vocabulary to develop their mathematical reasoning skills through carefully structured lessons, which include opportunities for discussion and collaboration.  We encourage resilience and the understanding that to struggle is often a necessary step in learning.

Irrespective of ability, children leave Parc Eglos as confident, passionate and enthusiastic mathematicians who embrace the opportunity to be challenged and are excited about continuing their mathematical journey at secondary school and beyond.

Please click here to see our maths Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement (curriculum statement).

Parc Eglos Maths Key Concepts

At Parc Eglos School, we love learning mathematics and enjoy being challenged. We understand that mathematics is not a subject of rights and wrongs, but we recognise the creative and interpretive nature of maths.

‘Maths is a very broad and multidimensional subject that requires reasoning, creativity, connection making and interpretation of methods; it is a set of ideas that help illuminate the world; and it is constantly changing.’ Jo Boaler.

We base our teaching on evidence-based practice, using the work of key researches, such as Jo Boaler and Carol Dweck, to promote mathematical mindsets in all of our pupils. We challenge anyone who says ‘I can’t’ and instead instil confidence in our pupils and recognise their innate ability to learn- no matter the subject. This links directly to our PARCC Virtues.

Our key concepts for mathematics are the golden threads that connect the teaching of mathematics from Nursery to Year 6. They focus on approaches to teaching that will encourage our children, as mathematicians, to be aspirational, resilient, challenge seeking, caring, collaborative, creative and curious. All of these drivers, in maths, lead to mathematical mindsets.

Make connections

‘Mathematics is a set of ideas, connections, and relationships that we can use to make sense of the world. At its core, mathematics is about patterns.’ Jo Boaler.

We look for and understand connections within and across strands of learning, across curriculum subjects, with future and past learning, and within the real world. We look to not only make connections with the current maths we are learning today and how it will help with future ambitions, but we are looking to understand how our work in the mathematics field can potentially change the world, like the work of so many great mathematicians before us.

Be curious

Being curious is about having a strong desire to find an answer and understand. As mathematicians, pupils are encouraged to ask questions, stay with problems for longer, be enthusiastic and enjoy the maths they are working on. We aim for all pupils to be intrigued and curious by mathematics. Our termly Maths’ Weeks focus on the creative and real life nature of mathematics, and capture our pupil’s engagement.

‘Our curriculum is like a set of separate bike parts- each have their value but are useless without being put together. When you teach the whole of maths, the beauty and creativity of the subject, you experience true mathematics.’ Jo Boaler.

Be Fluent

Fluency is often misinterpreted as knowing facts. Although we encourage children to know key mathematical knowledge, we understand the importance of not over burdening the working memory. If a child has a deep and conceptual understanding of these pieces of information, they will ‘make sense’ and be stored in the long-term memory. This is when true fluency will be achieved.

Fluency is also being able to interpret when and how to use this knowledge to be able to solve problems, reason and work mathematically.

Have Number Sense

This is a child’s fluidity and flexibility with numbers. It is understanding what numbers mean, having the ability to visualise numbers and recognising different representations of numbers. Children with poor number sense will focus on the procedure, rather than making connections and spotting patterns. For example, the difference between counting in ones on a bead string and recognising that they can count more quickly in tens by using the visual aid of the white and red colours. Children with good number sense will be creative and want to spend more time exploring numbers.

Be Efficient

Being efficient is understanding mathematical concepts well enough to choose the most appropriate strategy for the task- the simplest method with the most accurate results.

In order for pupils to achieve mathematical efficiency, we encourage them to take chances and make mistakes. Recognising the power of mistakes is crucial so children can evaluate their ideas and understand how to work more efficiently next time. We strive for classrooms where pupils value their mistakes and the mistakes of others, voicing constructive feedback and viewing their workings as useful learning opportunities.

Understand and Apply

True mathematical understand is being able to use and apply knowledge in new situations. This requires an understanding of equality- when one thing is mathematically the same as another, and looking at the direct relationship between two quantities. It is one of the most important mathematical concepts ever created. This concept leads to the successful transition to the understanding of algebra.

Please click here to our Maths Map

Please click here to our Maths Key Concepts

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