Welcome to Nursery

Welcome to Parc Eglos School Nursery!

Parc Eglos Nursery takes children from the age of 2 to 4 years old. We have a wonderful, purpose-created space, which encourages your child to free flow between the indoor and outdoor environments throughout their session. The Nursery garden has been thoughtfully designed and aims to provide a stimulating learning environment ‘roofed only by the sky’, we also have a fantastic woodland area.

Our planning is underpinned by the 3 Prime areas of learning (Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development) and the 4 Specific Areas of Learning (Maths, Literacy, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design). We observe your child play, note ideas for their next steps and plan responsively for their individual needs. We extend their learning through thoughtful adult interaction and by enhancing the resources available to them. We also carefully note their involvement in activities and their general well-being, understanding that it is only when your child’s needs are being fully met that real, good quality learning can take place.

We also carefully observe how your child is learning, taking note of the key characteristics that your child is demonstrating, and we watch for any particular schemas (patterns in learning) that might help to inform the way in which we structure the learning environment or resources that might further enhance their learning.

Independence is encouraged through your child’s own decision making, as well as by adults supporting the development of your child’s key skills in toileting, changing clothes and putting on outdoor clothing. We place a strong emphasis on the development of your child’s speaking and listening skills, using the ‘Letters and Sounds’ document and aspects of the Every Child a Talker programme to support our planning for learning opportunities.

We extend a warm welcome to our parents and see our role as practitioners as a partnership with you in providing the very best for the well-being, learning and development of your child, both in Nursery and at home. Here at Parc Eglos Nursery, we have an ‘open door’ policy, inviting you to share with us, and celebrate, your child’s achievements – however big or small. We encourage you to regularly spend time in the Nursery, talking with your child’s key person, playing together and sharing in your child’s ‘Learning Journey’. If we have any concerns, we will speak with you openly and honestly and, with your permission, we are able to make referrals to and liaise with other professionals who can help us to support your child’s development when necessary.

When your child is 2, in line with the revised EYFS, we ask to meet with you to discuss your child’s learning and development (Two Year Progress Check). We respect that no-one knows your child as well as you do and so we write a summary about your child together, which may, if you wish it to, help to inform the health and development check that your Health Visitor will carry out at around this time. Our caring and enthusiastic staff work very closely with your child and with yourselves to build strong relationships, our intention being that you feel comfortable to speak freely with us about all aspects of your child’s development. We are currently establishing links with the Health Visitor team so that we are able to draw on their expertise to offer the very best support and guidance to help your child in areas where you may have a concern.

These links also complement our Healthy Early Years commitment which aims to provide your child with healthy, balanced snacks and lunches which are freshly cooked and prepared in the school and nursery kitchens. We are also acutely aware of the need to offer regular physical activity to promote your child’s health and fitness. We offer a range of activities to our 3-4 year old, pre-school children (Frogs) to help to strengthen their development in the Prime Areas of Learning eg, weekly swimming sessions in our school pool, under the supervision of a fully qualified swimming instructor and we also have use of the school hall for physical activities.

We are fortunate to be able to use the school’s computer suite in order to introduce the children to games and activities that support their learning in the Prime and Specific areas. We work to develop their early mouse skills as well as supporting their understanding of, and ability to, navigate high quality programmes independently.

We manage your child’s transition into Nursery and then into school sensitively, supporting both parents and children. A place at Parc Eglos Nursery does not automatically secure a place for your child at Parc Eglos School but we liaise with other schools and accompany your child on a visit to ensure they feel confident and happy.

HANDBOOK Spring 2023

Please click here for EYFS Key Information