
History Intent Statement

At Parc Eglos, our intent is to allow every child to develop their historical knowledge and understanding, giving the children a sense of their own identity within the current time and place.
Children will be recognised as individuals who have their own ideas, thoughts and opinions. We intend to fight the stereotypes of past events and people, using all our voices to debate, argue and confer about our ideas.
History and chronology will be taught through enquiry based learning, answering questions about past influences and its effect on the present day. We intend to use our local environment where possible; focusing on key historical figures from Cornwall and visits to local sites of historical interest. Our aim is to develop a culture of historical discussion, enhancing critical thinking skills, drawing on the understanding of the evidence presented to them and beginning to understand human experiences and its effect on our world as we know it.

Please click here to see our History Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement (curriculum statement)

Parc Eglos History Key Concepts

At Parc Eglos we have introduced the following five key concepts for History. These key concepts focus on five key aspects of History that we feel it is essential for all children to understand in order to become confident Historians. Our key concepts are progressive starting in EYFS and continuing through to Year 6. By using these key concepts to structure our approach to the teaching of History our aim is that, by the time children leave Parc Eglos, they are (in the words of our intent statement) Historians who have their own ideas, thoughts and opinions…drawing on their understanding of the past to make sense of human experiences and the impact of the past on our world today.

Parc Eglos History rationale and journey

At Parc Eglos, we know that in order to ensure all our children become confident Historians, it is essential that they learn about the past in a progressive way as they journey through the school. For this reason we have developed our ‘Parc Eglos History Curriculum Map’. We believe that, by exploring the past through carefully selected and sequenced enquiry based units across the school, we will have enabled them, not only to develop chronological understanding, but to also make meaningful links within and across periods in History, which will in turn lead to a deeper understanding of our key concepts.

Please click here History Map

Please click here Parc Eglos History Progression

Year 1

Year 1 Local study overview

Year 1 Explorers overview

Year 2

Year 2 Great Fire of London overview

Year 2 History Makers overview

Year 3

Year 3 Stone Age overview

Year 3 Romans overview

Year 4

Year 4 Anglo-Saxon overview

Year 4 Vikings overview

Year 5

Year 5 Greece Overview

Year 5 Mayans overview

Year 5 Shang Dynasty overview

Year 6

Year 6 Battle of Britain overview

Year 6 Mining study overview