21st April 2023

Pupils of the Week Friday 21st April 2023



Georgie and Nico for their determination to succeed with their learning.  They always show a very mature attitude, which is great.

Reader of the Week- Harva-Lilly for her increased confidence with reading within our weekly groups.

Special mention to Finn for settling in so well to life at Parc Eglos.


Liam – determination

Arlo – Determination

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Daisy – Determination

Daisy has been so determined to improve her handwriting and I have seen a real improvement! Well done, Daisy, keep up the hard work because it is really paying off!

Jenson- Determination

Jenson has been so determined to make positive learning choices this week, I am really proud of him! He has been really focused and engaged with his learning this week and made some lovely contributions to class discussions. Well done, Jenson, keep it up!

Lamorna- Determination

Lamorna has been really determined and resilient with her Maths work this week. When she finds something challenging, she keeps going and trying her best to understand, she never gives up! Keep working hard, Lamorna!

Noah- Reader of the Week

Noah did really well in his latest Phonics assessment and has shown that he can read lots of words with automaticity! He has been really focused and engaged in his reading sessions this week. Well done, Noah, keep it up!


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Darcy – Diligence – Darcy has really impressed us this week with her positive attitude to her learning.  She works quietly and carefully at all times, demonstrating a very good understanding of the learning intentions.  She has shown superb focus and independence in all areas of the curriculum.  Well done Darcy!

Paisley- Enthusiasm – We have been delighted by Paisley’s effort during maths sessions. Paisley has worked independently and confidently to solve addition and subtraction problems. She was able to use a range of strategies and explain them using mathematical language. We are very proud of you Paisley, well done!

Reader of the week:  Cody – Cody read his book so well this week particularly during the Prosody session.   He varied the tone of his voice to add excitement and interest.  He remembered to blend the sounds in his head which enabled him to read his book fluently.  It was a pleasure to listen to him read.


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Jayden for his determination this week -Jayden is showing great determination in class to remain focused and not let small distractions get int he way of his learning. He is actively contributing to class discussions, looking to be helpful to the adults and I can see a real change in his level of maturity this week. Keep it up Jayden.

Abel for his positivity. Abel is like a totally different child than the one I met 7 weeks ago. He is happy in class and is trying so hard with things like his handwriting and his contributions to the class discussions. Abel is thinking more about challenging himself and being the best version of himself. I am so proud of you.

Reader of the week – Poppy McDonald for her incredible intonation when reading this week. She has a great understanding of how to change her voice when reading speech or for different forms of punctuation.

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Lillie and Caitlyn are learners of the week for their determination in our maths challenge. Today, we asked the children to find same amounts in different ways and I was really pleased to see the enthusiasm and dedication these girls displayed to succeed in the challenge. Well done girls!

Logan is reader of the week for his reading comprehension work. Well done Logan

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Eva – We have noticed that you have been working really hard to maintain your focus during our work and I can see that you have taken on board the feedback we have given you.  It is lovely to see a much more positive and happy learner, keep it up.

Maksim – This week you have shown more focus and dedication towards your learning too, getting involved in the class discussions and settling at activities with more enthusiasm too.  Keep it up.

Special mention an welcome to Lanni who has joined our class this week – We hope you have had a great week, it’s been lovely to get to know you.


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Aiden for showing determination in maths. Even when we’ve had shortened sessions due to Flora day rehearsals, Aiden has been determined to try to get to the end of any challenges set. Great work.

Olivia for determination across the curriculum. Olivia always tries her best and is taking real strides in working independently and applying what she has been taught. Fantastic attitude Olivia.

Reader: Ava – great response in our work this week explaining what prosody is to the class, and trying to use this in her reading.


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Issac – Impressive, insightful comments and suggestions in SPAG lessons

Oliver K – Enthusiasm in Literacy sessions when learning about Macbeth

Rory – Focus and determination in maths sessions, looking at Ratio, reflection & translation.