3rd February 2023
Pupils of the Week 3rd February 2023
Henry for his enthusiasm and Eva for making such a great start to her new school.
Reader of the Week is Gethin for his continued effort and interest in our books each week.
Jude– enthusiasm
Jaxson – confidence
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Daisy – Creativity -We have been thinking about sculptures in our Art lessons at the moment. Daisy took some inspiration from the discussions we had around Chinese New Year and created a wonderful dragon sculpture!
Noah – Positivity -Noah was poorly at the beginning of the week so I asked him to come and catch up on some of the work that he had missed. Instead of being negative about this, Noah came with a huge smile on his face and tackled every task. It was lovely to see how proud he was of his achievements. Well done, Noah!
Francis – Reader of the Week – Several of the adults that have read with Francis this half term have told him how impressed they are with his efforts to improve his expression while reading. He is really thinking about how he can make his voice more interesting for the person listening. Well done!
Bravery – Joseph. We would like to say how proud we are of the mature and sensible way that Joseph dealt with his accident last week. He communicated how he felt, and remained so calm and positive, which enabled staff to offer him the first aid he needed.
Henry- Determination- We have noticed that Henry has shown focus and determination this week during our phonics sessions. Well done Henry, we are very proud of you.
Reader of the week- Arthur- Well done to Arthur for his super effort during our group reading; he recognised speech the punctation and was able to switch between a character and narrator voice.
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Isaac is learner of the week for his resilience. We have been impressed with how Isaac has been trying to work independently and although at times the work has been tricky, he hasn’t given up or lost his focus. Well done Isaac, keep up the good work.
Grace is learner of the week for her co-operation. This week we had to work in pairs and it was lovely to see Grace supporting her partner with working out calculations. Thank you, Grace.
Florence is learner of the week because of her perseverance. We had a very tricky challenge in Maths this week and she did not give up. She used all of her knowledge of times tables and odd and even numbers to complete the challenge and had the evidence of her workings out to back up her knowledge. Well done Florence!
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Iwan: This week we have been writing independent poems and Iwan absolutely amazed me with his high quality, mature vocabulary and the imagery he created using similes and metaphors. It really was an outstanding piece of work, very well done Iwan.
Nico: Nico isn’t always very keen to put his ideas down onto paper, however the poem he wrote this week showed such an improvement in his literacy work. He used similes to describe his colour and even managed to include some rhyme too, which can be very difficult. Well done Nico, keep it up.
Readers: Lochlan for his consistent reading at home and Lillian for developing her confidence when reading aloud.
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Ben – for being much more focused on his learning the past two weeks and really trying to challenge himself. We have enjoyed seeing a positive attitude towards learning and watching you start your spellings straight away in the morning and being organised as soon as you come into class. Keep this up Ben!
Ellis – offering to be helpful to me as an adult this week which has been carried out in a polite and quiet manner, ensuring this doesn’t get in the way of learning. Keep up the kindness. It has been appreciated. You are also much more willing and resilient to take on advice to improve/purple polish your work to make it even better.
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Elsie – For 100% consistent positive engagement with all of her learning, even to the extent of taking home some of the resources!
Oliver– For being so resilient in the classroom; always bouncing back and getting his head down after any obstacle which tries to get in his way!
Reader of the Week – Alfie– Always reading and looking for his next book, fluent at reading to an audience and always willing to discuss the text.
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Oke for maturity and effort. Oke has been trying really hard with his literacy learning. His handwriting is showing great improvements and he has been thinking really maturely about what he finds difficult and how he can move forwards in his learning. Well done Oke.
Sebastian R for enthusiasm. Sebastian is always smiling and trying hard, regardless of the curriculum area. This week, after starting a new guided reading text, he was so disappointed when it was time to stop and is so eager to find out what is going to happen next. A real love of learning. Keep it up!
Reader: Eli for contributing more to whole class discussions with some thoughtful responses.
Joshua – for showing such enthusiasm and engagement with our number day activities and challenges!
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Emily for being so much more aware of taking care when approaching her arithmetic. She is also a star pupil always making the correct choices!
Lottie – for working really hard with our maths SATs this week and always making the right choices.
Liam – for working really hard with maths reasoning this week. The questions were really challenging and Liam showed a great deal of resilience!
Stanley- wow – for achieving 100% in our maths reasoning – fantastic Stanley well done!