6th January 2023
Pupil of the Week 6th January 2023
Ava, for her curiosity in the learning environment.
Arya, for her gentleness with our resources and her friends.
Reader of the week – Sydney, for his comprehension skills in our reading group this week.
Special mention – Nico, for his continued effort in Phonics and his work at home on this.
Sienna – Diligence Sienna always thinks carefully about what she is doing and gives 100% effort to her learning!
Jemima – Enthusiasm Despite being tired this week, Jemima was so excited and enthusiastic when she saw that we were doing Science. She gets fully involved in the learning and loves to share her ideas with the class!
Harry F – Reader of the Week Harry has shown real resilience and determination during Reading this week. He has thought carefully about what he has been reading and given thoughtful responses to questions.
1 BM
Oakleigh Resilience- Well done to Oakleigh for showing great resilience when completing his number work. Oakleigh worked through the number problem finding different ways to answer the question. Super effort!
Evelyn Enthusiasm- Thank you to Evelyn for having such an enthusiastic approach to her learning: she always tries her very best and shows great pride in her achievements.
Reader of the week- Toby– Super effort when blending phoemes together to read words.
2 HE
Lily B for helpfulness.
Stephanie for determination
Reader is: Oscar
William is learner of the week for his perseverance in all that he does. He never gives up and his hard work is beginning to pay off. Well done William, keep up the good work!
Marla is learner of the week for her responsibility. Marla can always be relied on to make the right choices and work hard. She approaches all learning tasks with enthusiasm and will ask if she needs help. Well done Marla.
3 KD
Isabella – Well done for coming back to school with a really positive attitude. We have really noticed that you are not letting other people upset you as much and are approaching the adults if you feel you need some support.
Brody – Wow, what a superstar scientist Brody is. He listened really well when we were making chocolate rocks and was then able to apply this understanding to the formation of natural rocks too. Well done Brody.
Reader – Lillie L can sometimes be a little reluctant to read at home, but since coming back to school this term I can see her diary has been written in far more regularly and she seems to be enjoying reading at home too. Keep it up Lillie.
Zachary – has been working hard at home with his spellings and reading. We are impressed with your positive attitude towards your learning and always an extremely polite member of the class. Keep being you Zachary!
Reubyn- Well Reubyn what can I say? Since you have come back after the Christmas Break I have seen a very confident Reubyn getting involved with class discussion, volunteering to answer questions in Maths and Literacy lessons, and excited to do this. We are loving the confidence and very proud of you. Keep it up, you have so much to give.
Elliott – Mrs G is proud of you this week for working hard, being so focused and remaining very positive.
Isla- Its lovely to see you getting excited about your learning and challenging yourself during carpet times when answering questions. This hasn’t gone unnoticed this week Isla.
4 SC
Joe – for his enthusiasm and great engagement with our learning.
Josh – for super effort and pleasing progress with his learning.
Jacob – for his continual endeavours to improve and make progress with his learning.
4 SR
Georgina – for showing fantastic commitment to her learning and presentation throughout the week
Bodhi/ Rio/ Zoe – for all having belief in themselves and overcoming with ease something which had continually frustrated them all year.
Reader of the Week – Freya, for lovely, mature reading which has progressed brilliantly.
5 CW
Lacie for readiness. Lacie has joined our class this week and we are so glad to have her. She has settled in really well and is trying hard in all our learning. Well done! We look forward to seeing what you can do this year!
Jack D for helpfulness and diligence. Jack was quite unwell before Christmas but has come back with a great attitude. He worked really hard in literacy this week to create a poem using juxtaposition, and has been really helpful for his peers. Thankyou Jack – keep up the great work!
Reader of the week – Anna always tries her best and after learning about semi-colons this week in SPAG was enthusiastically pointing them out in her independent reading book.
6 KH
Corey M – for being so engaged with his learning, particularly in maths. His hand is always up and he is putting in 100% effort.
Chloe W – for the effort she has made this week with her arithmetic. Chloe hasn’t always had the belief in her ability with maths but this week she showed just what a great mathematician she is becoming.
Isla – for her effort with the arithmetic this week. Having been challenged to score over 35 this week, Isla was the top scorer in the class with a score of 36.
Ruby for being so engaged today – we are looking forward to seeing this Ruby next week!